Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Close, but no cigar

As fate would have it, grand final glory was something just beyond the reach the mighty Bickies. With depleted ranks, ringers Colin and Tom joined Clint, Justin, Kurt and Neil to take on Nice n Ezy.

Losing the toss, we were forced into bat. Although off to a good start, we didn’t ever get enough runs on the board. 55 from three skins left us needing a mammoth fielding performance.
When their first pair scored 55, we knew we were in trouble, but by no means out.

Some inspired bowling and fielding kept their second pair in single figures. An arsey piece of fielding from the last ball of the pair led to a huge -10 runout, and the Bickies had a shot.

Sadly Ezy’s last pair cautiously eked out enough runs to give them a buffer, before blasting their way to lead their team to a final total of 98 or so.

To the faithful supporters, thank you for bothering to turn up and watch us lose. Hopefully we can give you something more to cheer about next season. So it’s a week or two off to work on the skills, and then back into it. We look forward to the return of the lost Bickies.

In particular, keep Friday 22 September free in your diaries. Hopefully we have a game, because it will herald the triumphant return of Stick Bickie, direct from Perth. Also on the sidelines will be Sore Arse Bickie, direct from his lounge room.

Peace and love.

The General


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